appium:iPhoneOnly |
Allocate only iPhone simulators for execution when to true. Default value is false . |
appium:iPadOnly |
Allocate only iPad simulators for execution when to true. Default value is false . |
appium:deviceAvailabilityTimeout |
When create session requests are more than available connected devices, plugin waits for a certain interval for device availability before it timeout. Default value is 180000 milliseconds. |
appium:deviceRetryInterval |
When create session requests are more than available connected devices, plugin polls for device availability in certain intervals. Default value is 10000 milliseconds. |
appium:udids |
Comma separated list of device udid's to execute tests only on specific devices appium:udids: device1UDID,device2UDID |
appium:platformName |
Requests asession for the provided platform name. Valid options are iOS , tvOS , or Android , ex: 'appium:platformName': tvOS |
appium:platformVersion |
This capability is used to filter devices/simulators based on SDK. Only devices/simulators that are an exact match with the platformVerson would be considered for test run. appium:platformVersion is optional argument. ex: 'appium:platformVersion': 16.1.1 |
appium:minSDK |
This capability is used to filter devices/simulators based on SDK. Devices/Simulators with SDK greater then or equal to minSDK would only be considered for test run. appium:minSDK is optional argument. ex: 'appium:minSDK': 15 |
appium:maxSDK |
This capability is used to filter devices/simulators based on SDK. Devices/Simulators with SDK less then or equal to maxSDK would only be considered for test run. appium:maxSDK is optional argument. ex: 'appium:maxSDK': 15 |
appium:filterByHost |
This capability is used to filter devices/simulators based on node IP. This will only consider devices from specific node. host is optional argument. ex: 'host': '', |